by Asya Mukhamedrakhimova
MKH digital plubication © 2025
by Asya Mkh
Categories Life, World
Published January 8, 2025
The World Beyond Our Sight and the Woman With the Sight to See Beyond

Banks of the Seine, by Claude Monet

“Our Earth is filled with life energy; we all have that energy within us. I just want people to use it the right way and channel it into better things.”

It seems like a simple statement, doesn’t it? We are always told to be positive, show kindness, forgive, accept and welcome love into our lives and the world. We are also told that bad things will always come back to us and that negativity only breeds more negativity. It is a message we hear in books and movies, in fairy tales told to us as children and in every general discussion about good and evil. Everything I have learned sitting in a small, cosy room with a woman whose gifts are as intimidating as they are powerful has brought me back to that same truth: do good, and good will follow; do bad, and it will return to you. Our world develops, our minds widen, our communication becomes worldwide, and we realise our beliefs are more similar than they are different. We continuously educate ourselves on the infinite possibilities of the universe. No matter what we learn, it brings us back to the same simple truth: do good and good will follow. This truth can be broken down and studied in many different ways. The consequences of our actions can be explored both physically and philosophically, but what about a new side altogether? What about the consequences our actions have energetically? To the sceptics out there, this story is not here to force you to believe something you don’t; it’s simply here to show you that there might be more to life than meets the eye. And to those like me who have encountered the spiritual side of the universe, whether it made sense or not, this story is here to pull back the curtain on things you can’t really explain but can clearly feel.

To set the stage for the story, I first need to take you back to the days when I did not quite realise that some things could exist just beneath the surface, just beyond reach. I can’t say I didn’t believe in spirituality. The truth is I didn’t care much. I was an 18-year-old first-year university student living off vodka, Red Bull and whatever hangover meal I got my hands on that day. I just moved into my first-ever flat, and since my roommate had not yet returned to London, I was there alone. I unpacked and settled in. Things were fine for the first few weeks. But one night, as I was in that weird state of almost being asleep but not quite dreaming yet, I faced the first of many challenges the spiritual world has to offer: sleep paralysis. I know that there are many different explanations as to why it could have happened, my super healthy diet and sleep schedule being one of them. All I knew for sure, I was freaked the fuck out. Back then, using anything that Google said would help, I fought the sleep paralysis off, and to be honest, I continued living my life without really questioning what that was all about.

Three years later, a more conscious version of me, who decided to add some vegetables to her diet and replace the vodka Red Bulls with a cute glass of wine (or five), returned home to Kazakhstan to wait out the pandemic. I was falling asleep one night when my old foe came back to say hello, but this time, it got stronger. I guess it also added some vegetables to its diet. The first time I had sleep paralysis, it was something that was happening almost outside of me, like it was nearby but not close enough to hurt me; this time, it was different. I felt every shadow, whisper, and movement around me as if my room was swarming with things that were not meant to be there or not meant to be seen by me. That’s how they looked, making noise amongst themselves, almost ignoring my unwelcome presence in their world. As I write this four years later, I remember the moment so vividly it sends goosebumps down my spine. This time, though, even if I couldn’t move, I had enough power to scream myself awake, which is exactly what I did. Another thing I had then that I didn’t before was a person who knew more about what these whispering shadows wanted from me than I could ever learn. This is her story. For privacy reasons, I was asked not to include her name or any identifying details, which is a request I must respect above all else. In conversations with my friends, I often refer to her as ‘the energy lady’, but for this story, I will have to come up with a more dignifying nickname, so how about we just call her ‘The Woman’? Normally, it might make the story hard to follow, but since she will be the main and only subject, I think it won’t be too confusing.

The first time I met The Woman, my mom took me to her to do a little ‘energy check’, which has become as important and regular as going to the doctor in my family. My mom had met her a couple of months prior, and during our first encounter, even though I am not naturally a sceptic, I had doubts. More importantly, someone telling me things about my life that I did not mean for them to know did not mix well with my rebellious spirit. Nevertheless, I went. I entered the room, and a warmth took over me as I sat down. I have never met a person who was so easy to talk to. After a few minutes, she did not need to read my energy to know about my life; I could have told her everything myself. She became a constant presence in my life and my family’s. There were times when I was not in the right state to see her or scared of what she might tell me, and there were times I welcomed her with open arms, asking for some guidance or advice. I want to clarify that she did not tell me about my future or the steps to take to reach a certain point. She just shared things she saw in my life, mainly things I already knew but needed an outside perspective on. Sometimes, she would simply tell me if the energy around me was positive. The last time I saw her has since become the reason why I felt the need to share my experiences and tell her story.

I went down the stairs of my childhood home that day, waiting my turn to sit down with The Woman. She usually comes to our house once or twice a month during breakfast, and we take turns sitting down and talking to her. When my turn came, she pulled out a candle, lit it up over a clear bowl of water and moved it around me, seeing if the wax from the candle turned dark at any point. This would mean there are energies around me that should not be there. Usually, this process is pretty chill, but this time, it was not. She stopped and immediately told me to call my mom. Once my mom came, they began whispering to each other. The words “I think I’ll need to put it in water” and “It’s on her” were the only ones I could make out. I’m not going to lie; I was pretty freaked out. What the fuck was on me? I am not going to go into too much detail, but it was a very negative entity that, at that point, attached itself to me and became an unwanted companion in my daily life. It hung on to me, draining my energy and making me and those around me fill with anger and sadness.

When the dust had settled, and I had a moment to think, I realised I could pinpoint a moment when I felt a deep sadness, one I had never felt before and didn’t know where it was coming from; that might have been the time when that absolute asshole of an entity entered my life. On that day, though, I tried to keep calm. The Woman got a mirror, and my mom brought her a clear water bowl. I really need to stress the ‘clear’ part since that comes back later. She told me not to be scared and close my eyes so I don’t catch a glimpse in the mirror and freak out. At that point, with sleep paralysis being a constant in my life, I did not think there would be anything that could scare me, but I complied. After it was done, she told me to open my eyes but warned me not to look in the bowl. Of course, I was going to look; you can’t tell someone that. She warned me not to get frightened, and once again, I thought, ‘Girl, come on, there’s nothing that can scare me’. Well, I was wrong. As I looked in the bowl, I saw bits of red blood floating on the surface. The Woman told me this entity had been on me for so long that she had to rip it out. The evidence were right there; it was out, and I was left with a lingering ‘what the hell just happened’ feeling.

After a bit of time passed, I shared this story with everyone I knew because, honestly, I thought it could be a great icebreaker. A friend told me it could be interesting to share it with a broader audience, and she would love to know more about The Woman. For me, after years of knowing her, the story was just another day, scary and wild, sure, but not at all out of the ordinary, which is perhaps why writing about it never occurred to me. But since the idea was brought up to me, I got more and more into it. The next time I saw her, I asked her about it. While I expected some reservations, my proposition was welcomed with open arms, and apart from the request to keep her name out of it, she was happy to share everything I needed and more. So, the following week, I got into my car and drove to talk to her.

On the Way to The Woman's Home, photo by Asya Mkh

She lived in a town just outside the city, so it took me a while to get there. For two hours, I was trying to prepare myself, think about how to approach the story, how to act, how not to show how incredibly intimidated I actually was, because the truth is the most intimidating people on this earth are those who don’t try to intimidate you at all. I wrote down my questions and prepped some structure for the interview. Still, nothing in my journalism classes specifically prepared me to interview a woman who so obviously sees and knows more about this world and beyond than I ever will. As I drove into the town and the small houses standing right in front of tall mountains showered by the lights of a midday sun flashed through my windows, I began to calm down and view the upcoming interaction as a simple act of talking to someone. The car slowly approached the gate of her house, and I saw her walk out of the front door to greet me. So I took off my sunglasses along with any reservations and anxieties I might have had and went in completely bare and open to learn and share.

She led me into her home, and every step I took brought me back to that familiar warmth I felt when I first met her. She offered me food and some tea, but my hyper-fixation of getting the interview exactly right prevented me from allowing myself any distractions. We went into her daughter’s room, a small and cosy space filled with little knitted figurines her daughter makes from scratch and a dark beige couch standing at the end of the room. We sat on the sofa, I pulled out my questions, pressed record on my phone, and we began.

Ever since she was a little girl, The Woman has seen the world differently. As she sat before me, she told me she saw images connected to every person, like a nonstop movie with constantly changing scenes.

“Sometimes, I see these images in my sleep; they come by themselves, and I can’t control them. The more I try to reject them, the more they come back. When I work with one specific person, though, I have to tune everything else out to get more information. That’s why I often ask everyone else to step away so I can focus.”

Although she sees things clearly now, it wasn’t always like that. Just like everything else, her gift required training. Over time, her visions changed from blurry images to clear and concise pictures that tell a story of the world unseen.

It felt surreal to hear about how she sees the world. The more she told me, the more my mind expanded. As the piercing afternoon sun peeked into the room through a large window, we delved deeper into the origins of her gift and the first time it revealed itself to her. After all, no hero is complete without an origin story.

“It all started in my childhood, and back then, I did not understand what was happening. I thought maybe it was fantasy or I was losing my mind,” she began saying. I was taken back to moments from her youth.

“When I was a child, I could walk down the street and tell that something would happen to a certain person. As a child, you don’t really know what to say or not to say, I would tell my parents about what I saw, and they would get pissed off. Instead of helping me understand, my mother sent me to a mental institution. I did get lucky with the doctor, though. When he tried to give me a shot of some kind of medicine, I took his hand and told him his wife would give birth to a girl. He didn’t know his wife was pregnant then, nor did she. After they found out, he came back and asked me who am I and how did I know. I said I had no idea where it came from; I just knew. Thankfully, he decided to help me. He put me in the room and said he wouldn’t give me any medicine. He just gave me some toys and brought me food, and I stayed there until, eventually, my dad came to pick me up. I saw many people who were unwell in that place, though. I saw different beings behind them; some were there to torture people, some were the manifestations of the things people have done.”

Her sombre isolation did not end when she returned home; on the contrary, it became a regular part of her young life. With her gift not yet welcomed, The Woman was often denied experiences that would create the warmest memories for the rest of us.

“When a circus came into town, I wanted to go, but my mom said I couldn’t. I cried a lot, but they still didn’t take me. I wasn’t taken to any amusement parks either. Only when I got older, got married, and had a daughter I went to the circus with her. I was so happy experiencing it for the first time. Even my daughter didn’t have the same reaction. The same thing happened with an amusement park. I was so excited when I went there for the first time last year.”

Hearing her talk about her past created a knot in my stomach. I so desperately wanted to be angry at the people who punished a young girl for having a gift she could not control instead of helping her understand. But as she talked more about her younger self, there was no anger in her voice, no spite in her mind. Instead of taking a path many of us do and punishing her memories and the people in them for existing, she has done the hardest thing: she has let go. She said she was there for her mother when she grew up, the only one of her siblings who cared for her. Out of her many gifts, I discovered a new one: an amazing power to forgive. She told me about all her new experiences, the parks, the circus, riding a horse for the first time, and her stories brought a sense of childlike wonder. Her eyes would light up when she spoke, and I was left wondering how many things we truly take for granted until we realise what it’s like to be without.

As The Woman got older, she began to accept her gift and the responsibilities that came with it.

“At first, I did not understand whether I needed this in my life, but you have no right to decline it. If you try to, it can affect your health and your mind. The more you try to silence and dial it down, the louder it gets.”

“I had help in accepting it, but I think if there is no help, at a certain point, people like me would not exist; they would close off from the world completely. I do not wish this on people, but I want people not to fear it and treat me as normal. When most people find out about my gift, they either see me as someone who has to work for them at all times or just think I’m crazy, until a certain point, of course, when they realise that what I see is real.”

We dug deeper into her life and the fateful origin of her gift, and I learned it spun generations. The Woman inherited it from her great-grandfather, a powerful man with a sight so clear he knew the day of his death. When the day came, he prepared himself for his passing and invited his family to say their goodbyes.

“He said that day is the day he dies, so people should say goodbye. Unfortunately, I know the day I die as well. And I see it for others sometimes, and it’s so scary. I can be talking to a friend, and then suddenly I see all the bad things that will happen in their life, and I can’t even say anything. How can I? There is no way to prevent it. It just is.”

She told me she also feels the gift in her daughter, but she tries her best to block it. “I don’t want it for her,” she says. “I want her to have a normal life, have friends and go out.”

No matter how special, this gift places some limitations on her life. Even knowing what you know so far, you can probably assume her day-to-day looks quite different from an average person’s.

“I can’t go to work properly; I see too much every time I try. I used to work, and every day, I came back home and cried because there were so many things I saw and so many bad things that people did. The last time I went to work was as a salesperson at a shop. I thought, ‘Okay, I just won’t pay attention to everything’, but then I would see people who steal from the shop, and I had to tell the owner. He was the one who gave me the job in the first place, so I couldn’t lie to him. Maybe some people can live with it and do normal things, like go to work, but I can’t.”


The Woman's Favourite Spots, photo by Asya Mkh

The need for a calm environment to quiet down the things she sees forced her to leave her last job. It also motivated her to get a house in a small town outside of the city. The town she chose, the town I passed on my way there as I was marvelling at the sights of small houses and snowy mountain tops to calm me before the impending conversation, that town brought an instant sense of peace to those passing through. The house she lives in has an even deeper history.

“Sometime before we moved in, there used to be a little house here, and the man who lived there was the town’s healer. I didn’t know that when we got the house, I just felt it was right for me.”

It’s not just the calmness of the town that she finds appealing; it’s the community and the mindset of its residents. “In this town, people think slower; no one runs anywhere. I think the city is always in a rush; you rarely meet people who are smiling; they are always overloaded. Everyone in our town is simpler; everyone knows each other, and it’s lighter and a bit more naive.”

Friendly and peaceful, The Woman continues to relish her life, with mountains a walking distance away and neighbours happily leaving their gates open, welcoming each other to come and visit anytime. The beauty of such life is easy to understand, but not everyone can. It is amazingly painful how often people attribute things that bring them satisfaction to universal desires. From wealthy businessmen asking her to destroy their competitors to famous bloggers wanting to commercialise her gifts, The Woman has had many people tempt her with the riches and comforts of the big city. Her answer was and always will be a simple ‘no, thank you’.

“Many people take it really hard when I say no to them. I received threats, people telling me they will destroy me.”

Since she began using her gift to help others, many people have passed through her life asking for all the wrong things. Her plea for people to be kind has come from the most honest of frustrations. When all people want is destruction, their hearts are filled with anger and resentment, and the feeling ripples into the world.

“The scariest part about this generation is the aggression,” she says as her eyes fill with sorrow.  “A lot of people come to me with these wishes. I try to explain that sending negative energy to someone will come back to you twice as hard, but, unfortunately, this does not stop most people, which is the scary part. I think this is why the earth is beginning to react to us a certain way. All the floods, earthquakes, and natural disasters are a reaction to all the aggression.”

Feeling the earth tremble in fear of this man-made hostility, The Woman’s sight is still set on helping those who need it, those who require genuine help. It can be tiring, though. We all often need to recharge after work; we read a good book or watch a silly movie, and we go on vacations and spend time with our loved ones. But I began to wonder, when your job includes healing people from unseen troubles, how can you possibly recharge? When I asked her if she even needed to get back what she gave away, a smile came over her face, and she exhaled an overwhelming “of course”.

“Water and earth help me a lot,” she told me. “Sometimes, I come home and sit on the ground. If that feels like it’s not enough, I go to the mountains; since they are right across the street from my house, it’s easy to go and unwind. But mostly, I sit in my garden.”


The Garden Protected by Light, photo by Asya Mkh

Later, we went outside, and she showed me the garden. With her permission, I took some quick photos of it on my camera. A weird thing happened, though. When I took pictures of the side of the garden she doesn’t spend much time on, the images were clear and defined. A different thing happened when it came time to capture the other side. I tried to take a picture of her favourite spot at least four times, but a light took over my camera lens every time, covering everything else in its path. It was as if some untouchable force tried to protect the place from being seen by others.

As we sat opposite each other longer and longer, discussing worlds beyond ours, I began to take comfort in the soft velvet cushions. My legs went up on the side of the couch, and my back and shoulders almost drowned in the large pillows that lined the back. My iPad, which I first carefully placed in the space next to me, was now standing on the carpet, almost retiring from the conversation due to its lack of use. Trying to remember the questions I needed to ask without interrupting the flow of the conversation, so soft and natural I could almost see it flying through the room, I retreated to a corner of my mind to see if I could move around my recent memories and find anything useful. A few seconds later, I was back, question in hand. “Can you tell me a little more about how you work with people?” I asked her. I was also selfishly hoping that she could tell me more about my recent situation and what the fuck actually happened there. I did not want to pry openly, though.

“It’s scary to see death,” she began telling me, taking the conversation to a place I knew would give me goosebumps when I remembered it in the coming months. “Sometimes I talk to a person, and I see death behind them. The worst thing is when I lose control and accidentally say something. Right now, I am trying to turn my brain on more and learn control when I’m in this state, but it’s hard.”

I nodded in agreement. Losing control and saying something that you shouldn’t have—finally, something I can relate to. That connection was fleeting. She continued, and I decided not to attempt to grasp things I could relate to or even fully understand.

“Another sad thing is when you put your soul in and work with a person only for them to turn around and blame you for refusing to help them destroy someone’s life.”

“I always say that if a demon takes over you even a little bit, that’s it. That’s why I was so concerned about your case: because it began to take over you. At least you understood a bit of what was happening; you started to show your strength and fight it, but most people get really depressed and take a darker path. “

My curiosity was peaked once again. She explored interdimensional energies further and I began to feel a weird sense of control over what had happened to me. Here, I thought, was a woman who could give me all the answers about how I could prevent this from happening again. All I needed to do was ask.

“I was thinking about you, and I think sometimes you do astral projects. But you do not follow the boundaries, and sometimes you catch something when you return. Most girls actually can astral project, but not as many men.”

She continued talking as I leaned closer in anticipation of greater guidance. I now knew my sleep paralysis was not just there to terrorise me. It was opening a door, and I just needed to learn how to walk into the right one.

“When you see negativity, do not enjoy it. Many negative energies will try to trick you by creating a beautiful picture, but it’s a lie. You must stop yourself and force these beings to show their true faces.”

True faces of otherworldly beings. As someone who spent the last horror movie night with my eyes covered, I would not particularly enjoy that. In the sea of possibilities of the world I was just now learning about, there must be a way to see joy instead of dread and go to a happy place instead of a dark and gloomy one.

“It’s all about the mindset,” she responded when I asked how to go to a better place with a slight note of hope in my voice. “When you see something scary, you must change your thoughts and use your brain. The second you think about something positive that makes you happy, like the sea or the sun, you immediately drop out of the lower dimensions into the higher ones. And the distance does not feel like you are walking. It feels like a jump. Once in the positive dimension, you feel different; it’s warm and light. The colours are also lighter. The ones in the negative dimensions are dark and grey, but once you change into the positive ones, the colours around you will be gentler and brighter. Even the smell is different. The lighter dimensions have the smell of lavender and vanilla. You can walk around and feel it, but it’s better not to touch anything. If you do, you might get sucked in; your mind might stay there while your body is in our world.”

Don’t touch anything. This rule applies to any situation. It’s generally a good idea not to touch anything when entering an unfamiliar place.

We interact with all these energies daily, yet their origins are still shrouded in mystery. For me, a big part of understanding them was knowing where they came from. The Woman with all the answers paused as if allowing me take a beat before letting me go deeper into her incredible mind.

“There are energies that exist in other dimensions, and there are those who exist in our dimension, both negative and positive,” she began. I couldn’t help but look around the room in an attempt to spot these energies flying around us.

“Right now, there are a lot of portals being opened. You probably brought the energy attached to you from another dimension.”

Until now, even with all the new tricks I learned, the existence of these untouchable beings felt like a part of the natural order. They exist, and we often meet them in that space on the edge of our consciousness, but then we both continue about our day, although often changed by brief interactions. When I asked about these portals, the answer “We can open them ourselves” overwhelmed me. And there it was again, that familiar idea of control. In all the chaos, instead of grasping at things I could relate to, I began to grasp at those I could control.

“All those internet tutorials on doing some rituals can open the wrong portal and bring something into our world. Also, I don’t know why, but it became very popular to work with rituals in the graveyard; there, portals can open easily. Once again, many people do it because of the internet. Because of these recommendations of going to the graveyard and doing a specific ritual, all that does is open a portal and bring something into our world.”

As the word ‘internet’ came out of her mouth, a strong sense of frustration took over her. I felt the energy change as if she had pulled a trigger on the one thing that could set her off. She then told me.

“A lot of people try to search the right ways to work with energies online, and whatever exists on the internet is complete lies and bullshit. I want to give a piece of my mind to people who put all this stuff online. These rituals are very specific, and everything has a price; if you read something online and attempt to do it without fully understanding the specifics or the sources, you might do more harm than good. Every person has their own energy; there is no way that two people can use the same techniques.”

In a world of internet tips and tricks, those in the know use other means. For those fortunate enough to have someone like The Woman around, protecting themselves is equivalent to getting a monthly check-up. For others, however, those not yet familiar with how to raise a wall between themselves and the things around them, The Woman had some advice.

“Suras are good, and there are also a lot of good Mantras out there. You can also just listen to music that makes you happy, the music you feel in your soul. Some people listen to classical music, and some people listen to rock; it all depends on the person. My daughter listens to K-pop. It sounds wild to me, but it balances her out. Sometimes, she even astral projects while listening to it. There is no specific music; the most important thing is the music and the space you are in making you happy and comfortable; it has to be your space.”

The solution is easier than I imagined. There is no magical ritual, no special words, just things that bring you joy. In telling you this, I hope to motivate more of you to accept the simplicity of attracting happiness. It seems so easy, but it can be the hardest thing in the world when we let our anger and aggression get the best of us. Negativity is a part of life; we should never deny it, just like we should never let it take over. In looking for reasons to choose a path of happiness and forgiveness, we should look no further than the energies around us. If we avoid opening portals and bringing something from other dimensions into ours, we are still left with those brought here before us, and once the energy is brought, it’s hard to banish it back. All we can do is prevent it from becoming a part of us. Luckily, there are tools, both mental and physical, that we can use. This is the part that excited me a little. In all the advice of keeping positive and finding a safe place, I was still waiting for a trick I could use, something I could do to protect myself, but more importantly, something visual enough to bring me peace of mind.

“Negativity attracts them the most. There are a lot of them in clubs. When you are in these clubs, you drink too much, you become weaker, and let your guard down; at that moment, any entity can attach itself to you,” she began as I waited patiently for the resolution of this long-awaited advice.


Recommended Protection, photo by Asya Mkh

“To protect yourself, wear a necklace. A circle with space between the pendant and the necklace is the best. These entities will attach themselves to the necklace and become trapped in that space. When you return home, you can move the pendant around if you feel uncomfortable, and all these energies will be gone. Then you remove it before bed; do not sleep with it.”

Please be sure to proceed with caution when wearing jewellery. Every piece of jewellery carries a lot of energy within it.

“Some jewellery wears out. If you wear something for a long time without cleansing it properly, it can catch many things, so it’s better to give these things away, specifically to teenagers up until 16 years old, since their energies are pure and clean.”

Finally, she gave me the last piece of advice. Something I already knew but felt strangely validated when hearing it from a source more reputable. “Meditation also helps a lot; the more you meditate, the more sensitive you become to different energies. You also attract more guardian angels. This is what I call real independent learning and self-development, not whatever they share on the internet.”

All these ways to train yourself seem so simple, yet they require hard work and dedication. While listening to The Woman’s advice, words almost uncontrollably poured out of me. Why do so many people still use the so-called energetic cheat codes? Why do so many turn to negativity, knowing full well of the consequences it can bring forth? “Because negativity is easier,” she replies with a slight smile coming over her face, letting me know how the simplest of truths in the world, once gained, can mean so many things. Nothing worth having comes easy.

A moment of silence invited itself into our conversation for the first time. I remembered that this was, in fact, an interview. My eyes fell back on my iPad, still standing on the floor, patiently waiting to be useful again.

For this shift, I have no clever segue, just an honest confession that while lost in the conversation, I have forgotten the order in which the questions I ask best frame the story. Although this breaks the story’s natural flow, these things still need to be mentioned. For those still tuned into what I would not dare call a short story at this point, there is more to share.

How do people like her discover this gift? And how do you know which of those people can help others?

“There are two types of people: those born with it and those who learn it. I don’t fully trust those who learn these abilities, though. Learning about it is not bad, but if you do not have the gifts in you, you can do something wrong. When you have this gift, you always understand the right way to do it, but if you learn to work a certain way without fully feeling it through, you can harm yourself and the person you are trying to help.”

She then paused and added a message to those who are just now realising what they are capable of seeing.

“For those who are just discovering their gifts, you should accept it. Accept it, and don’t think you are crazy or something is wrong. Thank the universe for giving you this gift, but try not to take on too much.” She then added: “And don’t use your gift for evil, don’t get sucked in by money or power, our world is cruel enough.”

As we continued talking, my eye fell on the clock, conveniently located on the screen of my iPad, which now proudly stood before me. I was slightly surprised by how much time had passed since I first entered the room, just as you might be surprised by the time that passed while you were reading this story. If that is the case, I urge you to check your clock. Remember that appointment you had booked? Don’t be late for it.

For me, time had no meaning. In that room, the world stood still, and the whole town felt like it was frozen in a single moment of unveiled mysteries and unpredictable realisations. Even before transcribing the interview recording, I knew this story would be longer than I previously anticipated. Now that I am writing this, I feel like cutting it to fit any given format would rob you of a full experience and send you off unfulfilled and unprepared.

That being said, knowing where to stop is also quite important. So, I am now going to do just that. Nearing the end of our conversation, I felt it important to direct attention to those whose scepticism did not waver, yet their mind opened enough to reach the point of the story where they will be addressed. To the question of why people often chalk her gifts up to fraud or insanity, The Woman had an answer well prepared.

“It’s harder to understand something you can’t see or feel. When I give information to people, many don’t believe it, but then the moment comes when they see it and begin to pay attention. These things always existed, but the mindset was different back then. In the Middle Ages, people with my abilities were feared and destroyed; everyone was scared. Right now, when people discover that what I say is true, they are less scared and more demanding.”

I cannot end The Woman’s story more compellingly than by letting her speak for herself. I always ask the people I talk to for a personal message, a word or two addressing the reader directly, or a personal anecdote they are willing to share. This message becomes a perfect way to round up our story—a catalyst that will not only power The Woman’s words much more but also help us understand why she did not need to be convinced to become the subject of this story.

“People have to distinguish between good and bad and step away from the bad; the more good people have in their lives, the more positive energies the Earth will have. The energy you feel from good deeds is amazing, and the more you create it, the more it’s passed on. When people begin to understand that and use it, each person can help themselves, and they won’t even need people like me, which would be better for all of us.”

Her eyes lit up, and I suddenly noticed their colour become lighter. Her determination in delivering this message lit a spark of hope in my heart. She finishes by saying: “This is why I agreed to this interview so fast; I just wanted to pass this message on to people. Learn patience and be kinder and more positive instead of trying to get cheat codes to life and attract negativity just because it’s easier. Be yourself without putting on a different face; why must you do that? I wish every person would live in a way that won’t make them feel ashamed when looking at themselves in the mirror. Because every person, no matter who they are, has a conscience, and one day that conscience can be the very thing that destroys you.”

She then suddenly stopped. The sentence did not have time to linger as she hit the brakes, leaving me in anticipation. With a hint of surprise in her voice, she added, “Oh, I said that in such a cool way; that was so unexpected.” We both laughed, and she told me she was pretty nervous before I came since she wasn’t sure she could find the right words to say everything she needed. I might be biased, but I think she did quite well.


The Woman's Favourite Sports pt2, photo by Asya Mkh

We left the room, and she took me around the house, showing me some of her favourite places, including the never-to-be-photographed garden. I met her dog, who ran to me as if greeting an old friend. I petted her cat some more while sitting on the soft carpet of her living room floor.

As we walked around her house, her face suddenly lit up again, and she asked, “Do you want to see where I’ll have my own space?”. We went into the backyard and saw a little house. It only had one floor and one room. The paint on the walls had barely dried, yet the space felt welcoming already. The bright sun was playfully glistening through the window, so bright you could feel it lightly tickle your skin. A slight shade hid in the room’s corners, inviting you to hide away from the bright lights.

“We’re working on it right now. Soon, it will be ready, and you can come and meditate here with me.” An exciting idea and another magical event to look forward to.

She sent me off with some homemade pastries. “Pass them to your family,” she said. I intended to do that, but after a day of intense questions and even more overwhelming answers, nervous now more than ever to get the story right, I ate most of them in the car. They were fucking delicious, crunching softly with each bite. I gave her a long, tight hug, thanking her for everything she shared with me and letting her know I could already see how special this story would be. She smiled and told me to come back and stay over one day to explore these unseen worlds together. My way there, filled with anxiety and self-doubt, felt like it lasted forever; the way back flew by in a moment. It was a moment so intimate it could not be tainted even by the traffic I ran into on my way back to the city.

I returned home and dropped my bag on the floor, leaving only my phone and headphones in my hands. I immediately went outside, putting on a playlist full of my favourite songs as I walked. I sat on a rock by a small lake outside my house. This big rock, covered by the shade of the branches hanging off a nearby tree, was maybe older than the house itself. I laid on the rock, watching thin, gentle branches dance in the wind, and the leaves slowly fall and land on the grass surrounding the rock. I closed my eyes, feeling the wind on my face, and opened them back to see the clouds slowly move through the late afternoon sky. I was patient and calm, feeding my soul with the simple joys of nature. I thought of everything I learned and how simple it is to do good and feel good. How a simple act of lying on a rock can help cure my heart of any past aches and let go. A wide smile came over my face, and I felt a sudden ease. At that moment, I could breathe the world in fully. At that moment, I was happy.

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